Faceless Friday April 12, 2024

Hey there! It’s Friday, and even though it has been awhile, Friday’s (typically) mean it is time for Faceless Friday.  Faceless Friday is where we list out all of the good, grand and wonderful things that rocked our faces off this past week.  Let’s begin!

Trial has been postponed.  I think this rocks? I’m choosing to believe this is a good thing because I sure as fuck was not ready to sit in a court room in two weeks and deal with that psychopath.  This gives me some more time to get my head right, the State (my team) time to get even more shit in order and him more time to make himself look like the asshole he is.  Continued prayers and strength for the absolute and fastest resolution of this whole mess is appreciated!  Oh, he also filed ANOTHER civil suit against me stating I owe him over three grand that he “loaned” me while he was in prison.  Once again, I can not make this shit up.  I cannot wait for this to be over completely.  Also, whoever is helping him file bullshit while he is in jail, your mom is a hoe and you can get fucked.

A good Spring Break!  I have to admit I was nervous about Spring Break and little dude was actually bummed he wasn’t going to be in school.  As a single momma I don’t have the money to take him places and do the trips and all that stuff and I was worried that my depression and stress would have us sitting at home with him in front of the television for the majority of break. But we did stuff.  Stuff he probably won’t remember, but I will, and I am proud of myself for once again showing up for my son and always trying my best to be present and participate in his life.  Also, every Spring Break we clean our white linoleum floors with shaving cream, it’s a tradition that he gets pretty excited about.  I’ll be honest, that actually entails him rolling around in about three cans of shaving cream on the floor and then me cleaning it up. Worth it. Every time.

Being Restored and Repaired.  These last six years have brought love that I did not imagine I would ever have, the birth and life of my son.  The love and loss of my foster children as they swooped in and out within three years, and so many struggles and trials with my son’s father that I cannot even begin to unpack all of that yet.  Six years of loving more than I thought possible and being treated worse than I could ever imagine by people that “loved” me.  Today, for today, I can say that I am regaining my power back.  I am standing back up within my power and seeing things for what they are and how they are.  No longer will I take on guilt, shame, or absolute bullshit that is not mine to take on.  My awakening has arrived (again) and I will not be blinded by evil again.  I am restored and whole and dedicated to the life of love and joy that I and my family deserve.  Saying that I deserve that and much more with conviction ROCKS.

And on that note here, in no particular order, are a few other things that rocked my face off this past week:

Coffee (forever and always), music, Old Gods of Appalachia Podcast (omg), these fur babies of mine and all the love and annoying they do, seasonal allergy shots!!, getting the first full mow of the season in (and my mower starting up like a GD champ), money coming in, a truck to borrow, yard work to do, things to occupy my time when I need it, taking a rest day (or two) when needed, taking a morning nap when I needed!!, setting boundaries and sticking with them, not explaining myself when people know they suck and YOU, thank YOU for being here! Ya’ll rock every damn day! Thank you!!

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