Faceless Friday 4/19/24

Hello and welcome to Faceless Friday! Faceless Friday (for you newbies) is where I list out all of the things that have happened in the past week that I am grateful for and that has rocked my face off. A tradition that started over TWELVE years ago! Thank you for joining us.  Grab a cup of coffee and come get your gratitude on!

Sunshine and mowing season.  I am so glad that the weather has (mostly) turned.  Mowing and being outside digging in dirt is my happy place.  I have found that I have been overwhelmed with gratitude this past week because only a few weeks ago it was unsafe for me to be outside because stalker psycho was out and about.  I have been able to mow all of the lawns I take care of, and dig in my flower beds and play with my child outside without fear of him driving past, hurting me, etc. because he is still in jail on the parole violation.  I AM SO FUCKING GRATEFUL that someone finally listened to me, took the threat seriously and helped me in such a powerful and profound way.  I do not take it for granted that I am able to walk around my yard freely and I am so seriously grateful.  I am also grateful that my lawnmower started right up this year! Being safe, planting flowers, and playing in the yard ROCKS my face off!!

My child’s laughter.  Granted it’s usually AT me and not with me, but my kiddo deals with some pretty serious seasonal depression (even at six) so hearing his laughter is such a joy.  Wednesday I may have peed my pants… okay I did. While I was taking him to his counseling appointment I straight pissed myself (thanks stupid back issues!) and this kid could not wait to tell his counselor. COULD NOT WAIT. He was laughing so hard and kept saying in his little sing song voice “I’m gonna tell your secret!” Look, I know I should be embarrassed but with great back issues come great pissing issues, and hearing and seeing him laugh so hard was definitely worth how uncomfortable his counselor was to learn of the whole ordeal. 10/10 would recommend.

Growing my pack.  Are cats considered a part of a pack? I suppose they are in this household. And we have another one.  And another one.  The cat distribution system is a mystery and I am not one to argue with it as a little black kitten followed me home the other day.  Literally followed me home after purring the loudest I have ever heard a cat purr.  He is the sweetest and him and Tilly (Tillerman) our adopted Orange cat get along beautifully.  Moonshadow Underfoot is still a demon kitty and is in timeout and would like everyone to know she would cut a bitch if needed.   The dogs remain unbothered and wonderful, although Josie girl is getting down right fucking demanding of treats in her old age. 

Friendship and Hope.  I am so grateful for my friends!! I am grateful for them for sticking by me during my storms, and for celebrating my wins, no matter how small.  It is such a blessing to have people by my side to be able to tell when things are going right that are just as happy as I am! Thank you ALL for your continued support, love, and being your badass selves.  You all rock my face off!

Okay, I have a project I am working on that needs some attention so let’s wrap this up!  Here are a few other things that have rocked my face off this past week, in no particular order:

Coffee (forever and always, amen), being busy, taking breaks when my body says to!, music, podcasts, seeing all of my flowers creeping up, fast shipping on a new fish tank filter as the power going out fried my other one, my kiddo losing another tooth, enough money for food, being able to take care of myself, the kid, and all these furry beasts, miracles happening every day, and YOU dear Craughers for being on this journey with me. YOU rock my face off and I am so grateful you are here!!

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